Woodturners of the Virginias
Endless Potential for Your Woodturning
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WoVA publishes a monthly newsletter containing information about upcoming events, club activities and results from the club Show & Tell

Visit our Facebook page to see up-to-date information about WoVA and subscribe to receive updates on new Facebook posts.
Welcome To WoVA
   Since its founding in 2001 the Woodturners of the Virginias (WoVA) primary goals have been the education of its members in all aspects of woodturning and the promotion of interest in woodturning in Virginia and West Virginia.Â
   The Club has approximately 60 members from the foothills of the Shenandoah Valley and neighboring West Virginia.Â

Attend a W0VA meeting via Zoom
If you cannot attend a WoVA meeting in person, then please attend via Zoom. Meetings are the first Saturday of the month and start at 9:00am.
Meeting ID: 811 9641 3366
Passcode: 241587
Talk to or visit us
Have any questions? We are always open to talk about our club and your woodturning interests.